While companies continue to invest in creating new and better security tools, they often overlook the front line of their defense: humans. Whether it's your employees, contractors or vendors, everyone involved in your organization should be responsible for maintaining security.

Here are some questions to help you assess whether your security policies are being properly implemented:

  • Have you created a culture of safety within your organization?
  • Do you have strong security policies in place?
  • Do you monitor user access control?
  • Do all your employees adhere to security standards?
  • Do you apply the same security protocols and policies to third-party vendors and contractors? If not, how do you ensure they are working in compliance with your security policies?
Whether it's controlling user access privileges to ensure that each person only has access to the information they need to do their job, or implementing strong password policies, organizations must take preventative security measures to avoid data breaches at all costs.

Data breaches have serious implications for organizations. They not only affect their brand reputation, but also put their customers at risk.

Here are some of the long-term effects a data breach can have on your business: